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Property Being Reviewed:

Orchard Barn at Middletown Farm Upleadon
Gloucestershire GL18 1EQ

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Describe your party or group.
What did you want from your holiday
Tell us what your requirements were.

Minimum 75 Words

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To make your review as useful as possible, you may like to consider the following:
  • In what way did your stay meet/exceed your expectations?
  • The property, its location and surroundings
  • Any little extras you weren’t expecting
  • Anything potential guests ought to be aware of (steep stairs, proximity to livestock etc)
  • Would you recommend this property as being PARTICULARLY suited to families, dog owners, children, couples or anyone with mobility issues? Was it very quiet, or eco-friendly?
Specifically Recommend: What would you specifically recommend to potential guests?
General Ratings

Please rate the following.
(Hover then click to select)

Please Note:
Only properties rated 3 stars or above in all categories will be listed on the site.
  • Comfort
  • Cleanliness
  • Food/Kitchen
  • Bathroom
  • Quality
  • Info
  • Overall comfort of accommodation
  • Overall cleanliness
  • Cooking facilities (SC) or meals (if provided)
  • Bathroom facilities
  • Quality of items - towels, pillows etc
  • Useful information for guests
Local gems: What did you discover locally that you would also recommend as being worth a visit? (pub, tourist attraction, shop, beach, etc)
En Route: Did you find anywhere nice to stop en-route?
Summary: Please sum up your recommendation in one sentence, this will be used as the title of your review

* I have read and agree to the terms & conditions of Rated Places, I certify that this review is my genuine opinion of this property and I have stayed there as a paying guest and can produce verifiable documentation if requested.

I have no personal or business connection with this establishment, and have not been offered any incentive or payment from anyone associated with the property to write this review.

Read our terms & conditions

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Your Details: Anonymous reviews are not accepted. Please give your FULL name and FULL address for verification purposes. Only your first name, initial of surname and general location will appear on the site eg. Janet H from Chesham


We do NOT give, sell or pass your details to anyone. We will not contact you other than to confirm your review and to advise you if you have won our competition.

* I would like to be entered into the £250 prize draw and receive a monthly newsletter via email detailing late availability and special offer discounts at properties on the site made exclusively to Rated Places Reviewers.

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