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Rated Places (trading as The Real Visitors Book Limited)

Tel: 01494 757 059
e-mail info@rated-places.com
Company No. 5774814
Registered Address: 31A High Street, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1BW

  • General
    This is the website of Rated Places. We are committed to protecting your privacy and we take our responsibilities regarding the security of information you provide to us very seriously. If you have any concerns, questions or comments please email info@rated-places.com
  • Disclosure to third parties
    Unless expressly stated in this policy, we will not disclose any of Your Information to any other person without your consent. Please note that if you upload or post any information to a public part of this Website, we may use it in accordance with our terms and conditions and it may be viewed and used by others.
  • Usage of information
    We may disclose Your Information if we are required to do so by any law or other regulatory or government authority. The only circumstances in which we would disclose any of this information to any third party is if ownership of all or part of our website were transferred, in which case any purchaser would only be entitled to use that information in a way consistent with this Privacy Policy. We may provide third parties with overall statistics about customers and visitors to our site but will not include information that could personally identify you. If you enter the prize draw we will ask for your name, address and e-mail address. This is so we can run the contest effectively and advise you if you have won. Occasionally we may use your personal information to inform you about the latest changes to our web site.
  • External Links
    Our site contains links to third party websites that are not subject to this privacy policy. Read our Terms and Conditions for further information on these links. We strongly recommend that you read the privacy policy of any such websites that you visit.
  • Security Policy
    We use reasonable precautions to keep the information disclosed to us secure. However, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that you disclose to us. You accept the inherent risks of providing information and dealing on-line and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our negligence or wilful default.
  • Cookies
    This Website may make use of ‘cookies’ and tracking software. Cookies are pieces of information that are stored by the browser on the hard drive of your computer. Cookies enable us and any person who advertises on our Website to provide features such as remembering certain of Your Information and your preferences. Cookies can be deleted from your hard drive or you can configure your web browser so that it rejects cookies. Rejection of cookies will not prevent you from using most of the features on this Website. If you experience any problems having deleted cookies, you should contact the supplier of your web browser. The tracking software monitors traffic patterns and site usage so that we can design and develop this Website to suit the needs and requirements of visitors to it.
  • Security
    In accordance with our requirements under the Data Protection Act 1998, we shall use reasonable endeavours to implement security procedures to help prevent unauthorised access to Your Information. However, RP shall not be liable for any attempt to hack or crack or otherwise gain access to any part of this Website including any of Your Information.
  • Data Retention Period
    We will retain your personal data only as long as is necessary for the purposes to which you consent under the RP Terms & Conditions, and this Privacy Policy, or as is required by applicable law, and then we will delete it.
  • Corrections / Updates
    If we hold any of Your Information and that information is incorrect in any respect, you can e-mail the Website editor and the information will be corrected as soon as reasonably possible.
  • Changes
    This policy is effective from 29th September 2010. We may, from time to time make changes to this privacy policy to reflect any changes to our privacy practices in accordance with changes to legislation, best practice or website enhancements. We will let you know what these changes are by posting them to this page, but it is your responsibility as a user to make sure that you are aware of them, by checking for any changes on a regular basis. Changes will become effective as soon as they are posted.
  • Contacting Rated Places
    If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us by writing to Rated Places, 31A High Street, Chesham, Bucks. HP5 1BW. You can also use this address if you wish to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you or a description of that data. Please note that by law we are entitled to charge you a small sum for providing this information.

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